Sample Letter of Agreement Interior Design

As an interior designer, it’s important to have a solid agreement in place before beginning any project. A letter of agreement lays out all the terms and conditions of the project, including the scope of work, payment schedule, and any other important details. In this article, we’ll provide a sample letter of agreement for interior design projects.


The letter of agreement is a legal document that outlines the scope of work, timeline, and payment structure for an interior design project. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of these elements before beginning any work.

Scope of Work:

The scope of work outlines what tasks will be completed during the project. It’s important to be as specific as possible to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings. The following are some examples of tasks that can be included in the scope of work:

– Space planning and design

– Selection of colors, materials, and finishes

– Furniture selection and layout

– Lighting design

– Window treatments and accessories


The timeline outlines when each task will be completed, and when the project as a whole will be finished. It’s important to set realistic deadlines, taking into account any potential delays or unforeseen circumstances. The following are some examples of timeline elements that can be included in the letter of agreement:

– Start and end dates of the project

– Milestones for each task, such as concept presentation, design development, and final installation

– Deadlines for client feedback and approval

Payment Structure:

The payment structure outlines how much the client will pay for the work, and when payment is due. It’s important to be clear about the payment structure to avoid any misunderstandings or delays. The following are some examples of payment structure elements that can be included in the letter of agreement:

– Total project cost

– Payment schedule, including deposit and progress payments

– Late payment policy, including any interest or fees

Other Important Details:

There may be other important details that need to be included in the letter of agreement, depending on the specific project. These can include:

– Communication plan, including preferred methods of communication and frequency of updates

– Scope of revisions or changes allowed

– Termination clause, outlining the circumstances under which either party can terminate the agreement

Sample Letter of Agreement for Interior Design Projects:

[Your Name]

[Your Design Firm]

[Client Name]

[Client Address]


Dear [Client Name],

I am thrilled to be working with you on your interior design project. This letter of agreement outlines the scope of work, timeline, and payment structure for the project.

Scope of Work:

– Space planning and design

– Selection of colors, materials, and finishes

– Furniture selection and layout

– Lighting design

– Window treatments and accessories


– Start date: [Date]

– End date: [Date]

– Milestones:

– Concept presentation: [Date]

– Design development: [Date]

– Installation: [Date]

Payment Structure:

– Total project cost: $[Total Cost]

– Deposit: $[Deposit Amount] due on [Date]

– Progress payments: [Payment Schedule]

– Late payment policy: [Policy]

Other Important Details:

– Communication plan: [Preferred Communication Method and Frequency]

– Scope of revisions: [Revision Limitations]

– Termination clause: [Termination Circumstances]

Please review this letter of agreement carefully, and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Once you are comfortable with the terms, please sign and return the attached copy.

Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this exciting project! I look forward to bringing your vision to life.


[Your Name]

[Client Name]


In conclusion, a letter of agreement is an essential tool for any interior design project. It lays out all the important details and helps ensure that both parties are on the same page. By following the sample letter of agreement outlined above, you can create a clear and concise document that will help your project proceed smoothly.