South Australia Education Enterprise Agreement

South Australia Education Enterprise Agreement: An Overview for Teachers and Educators

The South Australia Education Enterprise Agreement (SAEEA) is the primary industrial instrument governing the conditions of employment for public school teachers and educators in South Australia. The agreement sets out the terms and conditions of employment, including wage rates, working hours, leave entitlements, and other benefits.

The SAEEA covers more than 28,000 teachers and educators in South Australia`s public education system, including classroom teachers, principals, deputy principals, and support staff. The agreement is negotiated between the South Australian Government, the Department for Education, and the Australian Education Union (AEU) South Australia Branch.

The current SAEEA came into effect on September 1, 2018, and will remain in place until August 31, 2022. The agreement includes a general wage increase of 2.35% per annum over its four-year term, as well as other enhancements to working conditions.

One significant improvement in the SAEEA is the introduction of a new classification structure for teachers, which provides clearer career progression pathways and recognition of experience and expertise. The new structure includes four levels of classification for classroom teachers, ranging from Graduate Teacher (Level 1) to Lead Teacher (Level 4), and three levels of classification for principals and deputy principals.

The SAEEA also includes enhanced provisions for part-time and casual teachers, including improved access to sick leave and professional development opportunities.

Teachers and educators covered by the SAEEA are entitled to a range of leave entitlements, including annual leave, personal leave, parental leave, and long service leave. The agreement also includes provisions for extended leave for teachers experiencing family violence and domestic abuse.

The SAEEA encourages professional learning and development for teachers and educators, with provisions for professional development leave, study leave, and sabbatical leave. The agreement also recognizes the importance of teacher well-being and includes provisions for flexible working arrangements and support for mental health and well-being.

Overall, the South Australia Education Enterprise Agreement provides a fair and equitable framework for teachers and educators in South Australia`s public education system. The agreement reflects the importance of investing in the education workforce and recognizing the valuable role that teachers and educators play in shaping the future of our society.

As a teacher or educator in South Australia`s public education system, it is essential to be aware of the SAEEA`s provisions and your entitlements under the agreement. For further information on the SAEEA, including wage rates and conditions of employment, visit the AEU South Australia Branch website or contact your union representative.