Welland Hydro Collective Agreement 2019

Welland Hydro Collective Agreement 2019: What You Need to Know

Welland Hydro, a local electricity distribution company that serves the city of Welland and the surrounding areas, recently reached a new collective agreement with its employees for the year 2019. The agreement was reached after several months of negotiations between Welland Hydro and the union representing its workers, CUPE Local 127, and it covers important terms and conditions of employment.

Here are some key things you need to know about the Welland Hydro Collective Agreement for 2019:

1. Length of Agreement

The agreement is in effect from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019. After this period, Welland Hydro and CUPE Local 127 will need to negotiate a new agreement.

2. Wage Increases

Under the new agreement, unionized employees of Welland Hydro will receive a 1.5% wage increase for 2019. This increase applies to all full-time and part-time employees, as well as those who work on a casual basis.

3. Benefits

The collective agreement also includes provisions for employee benefits. Specifically, the agreement includes a new extended health and dental benefit plan for employees and their family members. The plan covers a range of services, including prescription drugs, vision care, and paramedical services, among others.

4. Work-Life Balance

The agreement also addresses issues related to work-life balance. For example, it provides for increased vacation time for employees who have worked at Welland Hydro for a certain period of time. Additionally, the agreement includes provisions for paid leave for employees who are dealing with personal or family emergencies.

5. Grievance Procedure

Finally, the agreement outlines the process for handling grievances between Welland Hydro and its employees. If an employee has a complaint or concern about their employment, they can raise it with their supervisor or union representative. If the issue is not resolved, it can be escalated to higher levels of management or union representation.

In conclusion, the Welland Hydro Collective Agreement for 2019 is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for unionized employees of the company. It covers a range of issues related to wages, benefits, work-life balance, and grievance procedures, among others. By understanding the key provisions of the agreement, both employees and employers can work together to create a positive and productive workplace.